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Featured Speaker at InBIA Ecosystem Builders Forum – October 2, 2023

Tony Mattei, interim director of innovation and entrepreneurship at Penn State Brandywine and the Brandywine LaunchBox, will be a featured speaker at the International Business Innovation Association’s e.Builders Forum on October 2. He, along with James Delattre (director in the office of entrepreneurship and commercialization at Penn State), Cindy Evans (director of Lehigh Valley LaunchBox) and William Andahazy (entrepreneurship education coordinator at Penn State) will be speaking at a panel titled “Creating an Innovation Network to Foster Entrepreneurship: The LaunchBox Model.”

Panelists will share effective strategies and lessons learned from this university network approach. They will also discuss how the university program interacts with the broader entrepreneurship ecosystem and what other states or universities might be able to do to replicate their successes.